I Don't Know
   I Don't Know

A website dedicated to assisting Australian Archery improve the
overall package of archery competition, management and governance.


NSO Discussion Papers

The Marketing Of Archery

The Unitary Model

Tiered Membership System

The Coaching System

Challenge Shoots

The Grand Prix System

National Competitions

Australian Field Round

Australian Clout Round

Copyright 1998





The purpose of this website is to assist Archery Australia and the Archery State Sporting Associations in being aware of some trends that are happening in the marketplace. The objective is to assist Archery Australia to be the best managed and governed archery body in Australia by implementing long term strategic goals that provide growth and sustainability. To assist in that objective you shall find a variety of discussion papers for your perusal.

From 2006 to 2010 I was the SDO of Archery Victoria and from 2009 to 2013 I was the CEO of Archery Victoria. It is the many discussions I have had over the years with archers, club presidents, officers of other sports and members of the Victorian Government that has prompted me to create this website.

There is only one way to get Archery Australia to change a policy or a procedure and that is through a Notice of Motion. This can be done by AA itself or by an RGB. Since 2006 I have attempted to create motions through Archery Victoria but if the RGB (or specifically certain people on the Board) can't see the value in the proposition then it doesn't get presented to Archery Australia.

I have also attended the National Planning Committee meetings where there has always been good discussion but little resolution.

Listed are the discussion papers that have been forwarded to Archery Victoria since 2006. Most have been accepted by Archery Victoria but were never forwarded to Archery Australia. These discussion papers are not designed to be a magic bullet but rather a series of proposals that are linked together designed to improve the overall package of archery competition, management and governance in Australia.

Feedback is always welcome.

Please enjoy.

Trevor Filmer


0422 396 251